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Fire Emblem: War of the Nations

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Author Topic: Fire Emblem: War of the Nations  (Read 565 times)
Reyson Prince of Herons

Karma: +6/-4
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Posts: 176

I am the King of Tellius

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« on: March 28, 2008, 12:21:53 pm »


In the Land of Tellius, after the great war that devastated the land. Begnions empress, was killed in a devastating assassination. The day after the assassination, a letter was sent out to the whole of the Begnion Empire saying.
'Who wants to be Emperor/Empress, if so come to the capital city, and to the Royal Palace'
Lots of people came from all over the Empire, trying to become the new ruler of the land. The way to become the ruler was to show your skill in fighting against General Zelgius to show that you had the skill to be the Emperor/Empress. Lots of them tried, most of them failed, until one strange person, with long dark black hair tried to win the fight. Strangely he won and became the next emperor.

The first decision he made was to attack the land of Daine, the disbanded land, that lost the last war, which enraged the lands in pain. His men, marched along to the border of Daine. Some scouts saw the massive army marching right towards thm. They all thought, oh no! Another invasion. They fled to the capital where a average sized garrison gathered to defend the capital, because if they didn't rule would surely pass on to the Begnion empire. Begnions army marched through the land of Daine, and eventually got to the Capital. The Daine army was scared to death since there is only one escape from the castle except a cellar, which has a tunnel which leads out of the Capital, and goes nearer, the bridge which leads to Crimea. The army of Begnion smashed the door with a ram. The leader of the Daine army Sothe, said to stand our ground unless, it is to dangerous to continue. After about five times at the door with a Ram. "They broke the door. "Run there army is to big."Sothe said. They quickly get everyone to go through the cellar, and they came out in the middle of the city. Quickly they got everyone to pack up and leave the city before the army notices. Sothe forgot about Micaihah who he left in the house. All the people had left and the army was looking through the city for people who hadn't left. Zihark and Tauroneo go with Sothe to help find Micaihah. On the way to the house Sothe left them in, they find some young people, who were carrying weapons, one with a Bow and the other with a Sword. "What are you still doing here?" Sothe said to them. "Were looking for other people, and before you ask we do know how to fight." They both replied. "Can you make a distrction for some of the soldiers so we can get to this girl called Micaihah." Sothe said. "Yes!" They both replied. So they got a few soldiers attention and then legged it and waited for them to follow so that they could be ambushed and killed. After the soldiers chase the other two Sothe goes to get Micaihah. When he enters the house he see's a soldier about to arrest her, quickly Sothe charges at the soldier and cuts his throat with a knife. After that Sothe and the others met up with the other two and then snuck out of the city unnoticed.
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